Free JSON-LD Schema Markup Builder
The Best Schema Builder for SEOs
This free SEO tool has been meticulously crafted by a Brazilian SEO guy to give you the best (UI/UX) experience while building your JSON-LD Schema Markup.
- 1,368 Types ·
- Boasting diverse schema types, the builder offers a comprehensive toolkit for intricate data structuring.
- 1,466 Properties ·
- Equipped with more than 1,400 unique schema properties, it provides unparalleled versatility in data customization.
- compatible ·
- Fully compatible with v23.0 release, ensuring cutting-edge alignment with the latest web standards.
"@context": "",
"@type": "WebSite"
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Predefined JSON-LD Samples
Choose from our range of JSON-LD Schema Markup samples to enhance your website's SEO and content structure quickly and effectively
This schema includes a set of properties such as the agent performing the action, the start and end times, etc
- EntryPoint
- Person
- Place
- Thing
Represents a piece of content that is primarily textual, such as news, blog posts, and articles
- Organization
- Person
- InteractionCounter
- CreativeWork
- Thing
- WebPage
- ImageObject
Represents a book. Provides information like the author, ISBN, publication date, and number of pages
- CreativeWork
- Offer
- Organization
- Person
- Rating
- Review
- Thing
Used for breadcrumb navigation on a website, helping users understand and navigate the site's hierarchy
- ListItem
Represents a service that broadcasts real-time audio and visual content, like a radio station or television channel
- Organization
- Place
This schema has properties that can include the make, model, year, vehicle identification number, fuel efficiency, etc
- Brand
- EngineSpecification
- Organization
- QuantitativeValue
- Rating
- Review
Represents details about an educational course, including its title, provider, and description
- CourseInstance
- Offer
- Organization
Describes a training program that prepares individuals for a specific job or occupation
- EducationalOccupationalCredential
- Organization
- Place
- PostalAddress
- Rating
- Review
- SocialMediaPosting
Describes an email message, with properties like sender, recipient, subject, and dateSent
- CreativeWork
- Organization
- Person
- ReadAction
- Thing
Represents an event, providing details like location, start date, end date, and organizer
- AggregateRating
- Audience
- CreativeWork
- Event
- Organization
- ···
This type is part of a larger 'HowTo' guide schema and represents a single step in a set of instructions
- HowToSupply
- HowToTool
- MonetaryAmount
Describes an image, including attributes like URL, caption, and license information
- CreativeWorkSeries
- Person
Contains information about a job opening, such as title, salary, location, and qualifications
- Country
- MoneratyAmount
- Organization
- Place
- PostalAddress
- ···
Represents a local business, including details like name, location, hours of operation, and contact information
- AggregateRating
- Brand
- Event
- GeoCoordinates
- LocalBusiness
- Offer
- ···
Represents a series of movies that are somehow connected to each other, often by a shared story, theme, or universe
- AggregateRating
- Person
- Rating
- Review
- VideoObject
A specific type of article that focuses on current or recent news. This type includes additional properties relevant to news content
- CreativeWork
- ImageObject
- InteractionCounter
- Organization
- Person
- ···
Represents an organization, such as a school, NGO, corporation, club, etc. It includes details like name, address, and contact info
- Brand
- ContactPoint
- Offer
- OfferCatalog
- Place
- Rating
- ···
Describes an individual person, including properties like name, birth date, and affiliation
- Brand
- ContactPoint
- Country
- Occupation
- Organization
- Place
- ···
A specific type of person schema for medical professionals. Includes properties relevant to physicians like medical specialty
- AdministrativeArea
- Brand
- Hospital
- Organization
- Rating
- Review
- ···
Represents a product, providing details like name, brand, price, and rating
- Audience
- Brand
- Offer
- Organization
- QuantitativeValue
- Rating
- Review
- ···
Used for a Q&A format, detailing questions and their corresponding answers
- Answer
- Question
- Person
Describes a recipe, including ingredients, cook time, instructions, and nutritional information
- AggregateRating
- Comment
- HowToStep
- NutritionInformation
- VideoObject
- ···
Represents a menu for a restaurant, listing available dishes and possibly including prices and nutritional info
- AggregateRating
- GeoCoordinates
- Menu
- MenuItem
- Offer
- ···
Contains a review for an item, including the review rating, author, and text of the review
- Audience
- MediaObject
- Organization
- Place
- Rating
- Review
- ···
Describes a video, with attributes like title, description, duration, and thumbnail
- Clip
- ImageObject
- InteractionCounter
- Offer
- Organization
- Rating
- ···
Represents a single web page, detailing elements like title, description, and significant links
- ImageObject
- Offer
- Organization
- Person
- Thing
- WebPageElement
- ···
Describes an entire website (as opposed to a single page), including the site's name, URL, and other global properties
- CreativeWork
- ImageObject
- Organization
- Person
- Rating
- Review
- ···
Discover the ideal schema for you
Holistic Schema Type Explorer
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From A to Z
Alphabetical Index of Schema Types
Browse our alphabetically ordered list of Schema Types to find the one you want
- AMRadioChannel·
- APIReference·
- Abdomen·
- AboutPage·
- AcceptAction·
- Accommodation·
- AccountingService·
- AchieveAction·
- Action·
- ActionAccessSpecification·
- ActionStatusType·
- ActivateAction·
- ActivationFee·
- ActiveActionStatus·
- ActiveNotRecruiting·
- AddAction·
- AdministrativeArea·
- AdultEntertainment·
- AdultOrientedEnumeration·
- AdvertiserContentArticle·
- AerobicActivity·
- AggregateOffer·
- AggregateRating·
- AgreeAction·
- Airline·
- Airport·
- AlbumRelease·
- AlcoholConsideration·
- AlignmentObject·
- AllWheelDriveConfiguration·
- AllergiesHealthAspect·
- AllocateAction·
- AmpStory·
- AmusementPark·
- AnaerobicActivity·
- AnalysisNewsArticle·
- AnatomicalStructure·
- AnatomicalSystem·
- AndroidPlatform·
- Anesthesia·
- AnimalShelter·
- Answer·
- Apartment·
- ApartmentComplex·
- Appearance·
- AppendAction·
- ApplyAction·
- ApprovedIndication·
- Aquarium·
- ArchiveComponent·
- ArchiveOrganization·
- ArriveAction·
- ArtGallery·
- Artery·
- Article·
- AskAction·
- AskPublicNewsArticle·
- AssessAction·
- AssignAction·
- Atlas·
- Attorney·
- Audience·
- AudioObject·
- AudioObjectSnapshot·
- Audiobook·
- AudiobookFormat·
- AuthoritativeLegalValue·
- AuthorizeAction·
- AutoBodyShop·
- AutoDealer·
- AutoPartsStore·
- AutoRental·
- AutoRepair·
- AutoWash·
- AutomatedTeller·
- AutomotiveBusiness·
- Ayurvedic
- BackOrder·
- BackgroundNewsArticle·
- Bacteria·
- Bakery·
- Balance·
- BankAccount·
- BankOrCreditUnion·
- BarOrPub·
- Barcode·
- BasicIncome·
- Beach·
- BeautySalon·
- BedAndBreakfast·
- BedDetails·
- BedType·
- BefriendAction·
- BenefitsHealthAspect·
- BikeStore·
- BioChemEntity·
- Blog·
- BlogPosting·
- BloodTest·
- BoardingPolicyType·
- BoatReservation·
- BoatTerminal·
- BoatTrip·
- BodyMeasurementArm·
- BodyMeasurementBust·
- BodyMeasurementChest·
- BodyMeasurementFoot·
- BodyMeasurementHand·
- BodyMeasurementHead·
- BodyMeasurementHeight·
- BodyMeasurementHips·
- BodyMeasurementInsideLeg·
- BodyMeasurementNeck·
- BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration·
- BodyMeasurementUnderbust·
- BodyMeasurementWaist·
- BodyMeasurementWeight·
- BodyOfWater·
- Bone·
- Book·
- BookFormatType·
- BookSeries·
- BookStore·
- BookmarkAction·
- Boolean·
- BorrowAction·
- BowlingAlley·
- BrainStructure·
- Brand·
- BreadcrumbList·
- Brewery·
- Bridge·
- BroadcastChannel·
- BroadcastEvent·
- BroadcastFrequencySpecification·
- BroadcastRelease·
- BroadcastService·
- BrokerageAccount·
- BuddhistTemple·
- BusOrCoach·
- BusReservation·
- BusStation·
- BusStop·
- BusTrip·
- BusinessAudience·
- BusinessEntityType·
- BusinessEvent·
- BusinessFunction·
- BusinessSupport·
- BuyAction
- CDCPMDRecord·
- CDFormat·
- CT·
- CableOrSatelliteService·
- CafeOrCoffeeShop·
- Campground·
- CampingPitch·
- Canal·
- CancelAction·
- Car·
- CarUsageType·
- Cardiovascular·
- CardiovascularExam·
- CaseSeries·
- Casino·
- CassetteFormat·
- CategoryCode·
- CategoryCodeSet·
- CatholicChurch·
- CausesHealthAspect·
- Cemetery·
- Chapter·
- CharitableIncorporatedOrganization·
- CheckAction·
- CheckInAction·
- CheckOutAction·
- CheckoutPage·
- ChemicalSubstance·
- ChildCare·
- ChildrensEvent·
- Chiropractic·
- ChooseAction·
- Church·
- City·
- CityHall·
- CivicStructure·
- Claim·
- ClaimReview·
- Class·
- CleaningFee·
- Clinician·
- Clip·
- ClothingStore·
- CoOp·
- Code·
- CohortStudy·
- Collection·
- CollectionPage·
- CollegeOrUniversity·
- ComedyClub·
- ComedyEvent·
- ComicCoverArt·
- ComicIssue·
- ComicSeries·
- ComicStory·
- Comment·
- CommentAction·
- CommentPermission·
- CommunicateAction·
- CommunityHealth·
- CompilationAlbum·
- CompleteDataFeed·
- Completed·
- CompletedActionStatus·
- CompoundPriceSpecification·
- ComputerLanguage·
- ComputerStore·
- ConfirmAction·
- Consortium·
- ConstraintNode·
- ConsumeAction·
- ContactPage·
- ContactPoint·
- ContactPointOption·
- ContagiousnessHealthAspect·
- Continent·
- ControlAction·
- ConvenienceStore·
- Conversation·
- CookAction·
- Corporation·
- CorrectionComment·
- Country·
- Course·
- CourseInstance·
- Courthouse·
- CoverArt·
- CovidTestingFacility·
- CreateAction·
- CreativeWork·
- CreativeWorkSeason·
- CreativeWorkSeries·
- CreditCard·
- Crematorium·
- CriticReview·
- CrossSectional·
- CssSelectorType·
- CurrencyConversionService
- DDxElement·
- DJMixAlbum·
- DVDFormat·
- DamagedCondition·
- DanceEvent·
- DanceGroup·
- DangerousGoodConsideration·
- DataCatalog·
- DataDownload·
- DataFeed·
- DataFeedItem·
- DataType·
- Dataset·
- Date·
- DateTime·
- DatedMoneySpecification·
- DayOfWeek·
- DaySpa·
- DeactivateAction·
- DecontextualizedContent·
- DefenceEstablishment·
- DefinedRegion·
- DefinedTerm·
- DefinedTermSet·
- DefinitiveLegalValue·
- DeleteAction·
- DeliveryChargeSpecification·
- DeliveryEvent·
- DeliveryMethod·
- DeliveryTimeSettings·
- Demand·
- DemoAlbum·
- DemoGameAvailability·
- Dentist·
- Dentistry·
- DepartAction·
- DepartmentStore·
- DepositAccount·
- Dermatologic·
- Dermatology·
- DesktopWebPlatform·
- DiabeticDiet·
- Diagnostic·
- DiagnosticLab·
- DiagnosticProcedure·
- Diet·
- DietNutrition·
- DietarySupplement·
- DigitalAudioTapeFormat·
- DigitalDocument·
- DigitalDocumentPermission·
- DigitalDocumentPermissionType·
- DigitalFormat·
- DigitalPlatformEnumeration·
- DisabilitySupport·
- DisagreeAction·
- Discontinued·
- DiscoverAction·
- DiscussionForumPosting·
- DislikeAction·
- Distance·
- DistanceFee·
- Distillery·
- DonateAction·
- DoseSchedule·
- DoubleBlindedTrial·
- DownloadAction·
- Downpayment·
- DrawAction·
- Drawing·
- DrinkAction·
- DriveWheelConfigurationValue·
- DrivingSchoolVehicleUsage·
- Drug·
- DrugClass·
- DrugCost·
- DrugCostCategory·
- DrugLegalStatus·
- DrugPregnancyCategory·
- DrugPrescriptionStatus·
- DrugStrength·
- DryCleaningOrLaundry·
- Duration
- EBook·
- EPRelease·
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryA·
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryA1Plus·
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryA2Plus·
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryA3Plus·
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryB·
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryC·
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryD·
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryE·
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryF·
- EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryG·
- EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration·
- Ear·
- EatAction·
- EditedOrCroppedContent·
- EducationEvent·
- EducationalAudience·
- EducationalOccupationalCredential·
- EducationalOccupationalProgram·
- EducationalOrganization·
- EffectivenessHealthAspect·
- Electrician·
- ElectronicsStore·
- ElementarySchool·
- EmailMessage·
- Embassy·
- Emergency·
- EmergencyService·
- EmployeeRole·
- EmployerAggregateRating·
- EmployerReview·
- EmploymentAgency·
- Endocrine·
- EndorseAction·
- EndorsementRating·
- Energy·
- EnergyConsumptionDetails·
- EnergyEfficiencyEnumeration·
- EnergyStarCertified·
- EnergyStarEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration·
- EngineSpecification·
- EnrollingByInvitation·
- EntertainmentBusiness·
- EntryPoint·
- Enumeration·
- Episode·
- Event·
- EventAttendanceModeEnumeration·
- EventCancelled·
- EventMovedOnline·
- EventPostponed·
- EventRescheduled·
- EventReservation·
- EventScheduled·
- EventSeries·
- EventStatusType·
- EventVenue·
- EvidenceLevelA·
- EvidenceLevelB·
- EvidenceLevelC·
- ExampleMeasurementMethodEnum·
- ExchangeRateSpecification·
- ExchangeRefund·
- ExerciseAction·
- ExerciseGym·
- ExercisePlan·
- ExhibitionEvent·
- Eye
- FAQPage·
- FDAcategoryA·
- FDAcategoryB·
- FDAcategoryC·
- FDAcategoryD·
- FDAcategoryX·
- FDAnotEvaluated·
- FMRadioChannel·
- FailedActionStatus·
- False·
- FastFoodRestaurant·
- Female·
- Festival·
- FilmAction·
- FinancialProduct·
- FinancialService·
- FindAction·
- FireStation·
- Flexibility·
- Flight·
- FlightReservation·
- Float·
- FloorPlan·
- Florist·
- FollowAction·
- FoodEstablishment·
- FoodEstablishmentReservation·
- FoodEvent·
- FoodService·
- FourWheelDriveConfiguration·
- FreeReturn·
- Friday·
- FrontWheelDriveConfiguration·
- FullGameAvailability·
- FullRefund·
- FundingAgency·
- FundingScheme·
- Fungus·
- FurnitureStore
- Game·
- GameAvailabilityEnumeration·
- GamePlayMode·
- GameServer·
- GameServerStatus·
- GardenStore·
- GasStation·
- Gastroenterologic·
- GatedResidenceCommunity·
- GenderType·
- Gene·
- GeneralContractor·
- GenericWebPlatform·
- Genetic·
- Genitourinary·
- GeoCircle·
- GeoCoordinates·
- GeoShape·
- GeospatialGeometry·
- Geriatric·
- GettingAccessHealthAspect·
- GiveAction·
- GlutenFreeDiet·
- GolfCourse·
- GovernmentBenefitsType·
- GovernmentBuilding·
- GovernmentOffice·
- GovernmentOrganization·
- GovernmentPermit·
- GovernmentService·
- Grant·
- GraphicNovel·
- GroceryStore·
- GroupBoardingPolicy·
- Guide·
- Gynecologic
- HVACBusiness·
- Hackathon·
- HairSalon·
- HalalDiet·
- Hardcover·
- HardwareStore·
- Head·
- HealthAndBeautyBusiness·
- HealthAspectEnumeration·
- HealthCare·
- HealthClub·
- HealthInsurancePlan·
- HealthPlanCostSharingSpecification·
- HealthPlanFormulary·
- HealthPlanNetwork·
- HealthTopicContent·
- HealthcareConsideration·
- HearingImpairedSupported·
- Hematologic·
- HighSchool·
- HinduDiet·
- HinduTemple·
- HobbyShop·
- HomeAndConstructionBusiness·
- HomeGoodsStore·
- Homeopathic·
- Hospital·
- Hostel·
- Hotel·
- HotelRoom·
- House·
- HousePainter·
- HowItWorksHealthAspect·
- HowOrWhereHealthAspect·
- HowTo·
- HowToDirection·
- HowToItem·
- HowToSection·
- HowToStep·
- HowToSupply·
- HowToTip·
- HowToTool·
- HyperToc·
- HyperTocEntry
- IOSPlatform·
- IceCreamShop·
- IgnoreAction·
- ImageGallery·
- ImageObject·
- ImageObjectSnapshot·
- ImagingTest·
- InForce·
- InStock·
- InStoreOnly·
- IndividualProduct·
- Infectious·
- InfectiousAgentClass·
- InfectiousDisease·
- InformAction·
- IngredientsHealthAspect·
- InsertAction·
- InstallAction·
- Installment·
- InsuranceAgency·
- Intangible·
- Integer·
- InteractAction·
- InteractionCounter·
- InternationalTrial·
- InternetCafe·
- InvestmentFund·
- InvestmentOrDeposit·
- InviteAction·
- Invoice·
- InvoicePrice·
- ItemAvailability·
- ItemList·
- ItemListOrderAscending·
- ItemListOrderDescending·
- ItemListOrderType·
- ItemListUnordered·
- ItemPage
- LaboratoryScience·
- LakeBodyOfWater·
- Landform·
- LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings·
- Language·
- LaserDiscFormat·
- LearningResource·
- LeaveAction·
- LeftHandDriving·
- LegalForceStatus·
- LegalService·
- LegalValueLevel·
- Legislation·
- LegislationObject·
- LegislativeBuilding·
- LeisureTimeActivity·
- LendAction·
- Library·
- LibrarySystem·
- LifestyleModification·
- Ligament·
- LikeAction·
- LimitedAvailability·
- LimitedByGuaranteeCharity·
- LinkRole·
- LiquorStore·
- ListItem·
- ListPrice·
- ListenAction·
- LiteraryEvent·
- LiveAlbum·
- LiveBlogPosting·
- LivingWithHealthAspect·
- LoanOrCredit·
- LocalBusiness·
- LocationFeatureSpecification·
- LockerDelivery·
- Locksmith·
- LodgingBusiness·
- LodgingReservation·
- Longitudinal·
- LoseAction·
- LowCalorieDiet·
- LowFatDiet·
- LowLactoseDiet·
- LowSaltDiet·
- Lung·
- LymphaticVessel
- MRI·
- Male·
- Manuscript·
- Map·
- MapCategoryType·
- MarryAction·
- Mass·
- MathSolver·
- MaximumDoseSchedule·
- MayTreatHealthAspect·
- MeasurementMethodEnum·
- MeasurementTypeEnumeration·
- MediaGallery·
- MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration·
- MediaObject·
- MediaReview·
- MediaReviewItem·
- MediaSubscription·
- MedicalAudience·
- MedicalAudienceType·
- MedicalBusiness·
- MedicalCause·
- MedicalClinic·
- MedicalCode·
- MedicalCondition·
- MedicalConditionStage·
- MedicalContraindication·
- MedicalDevice·
- MedicalDevicePurpose·
- MedicalEntity·
- MedicalEnumeration·
- MedicalEvidenceLevel·
- MedicalGuideline·
- MedicalGuidelineContraindication·
- MedicalGuidelineRecommendation·
- MedicalImagingTechnique·
- MedicalIndication·
- MedicalIntangible·
- MedicalObservationalStudy·
- MedicalObservationalStudyDesign·
- MedicalOrganization·
- MedicalProcedure·
- MedicalProcedureType·
- MedicalResearcher·
- MedicalRiskCalculator·
- MedicalRiskEstimator·
- MedicalRiskFactor·
- MedicalRiskScore·
- MedicalScholarlyArticle·
- MedicalSign·
- MedicalSignOrSymptom·
- MedicalSpecialty·
- MedicalStudy·
- MedicalStudyStatus·
- MedicalSymptom·
- MedicalTest·
- MedicalTestPanel·
- MedicalTherapy·
- MedicalTrial·
- MedicalTrialDesign·
- MedicalWebPage·
- MedicineSystem·
- MeetingRoom·
- MensClothingStore·
- Menu·
- MenuItem·
- MenuSection·
- MerchantReturnEnumeration·
- MerchantReturnFiniteReturnWindow·
- MerchantReturnNotPermitted·
- MerchantReturnPolicy·
- MerchantReturnPolicySeasonalOverride·
- MerchantReturnUnlimitedWindow·
- MerchantReturnUnspecified·
- Message·
- MiddleSchool·
- Midwifery·
- MinimumAdvertisedPrice·
- MisconceptionsHealthAspect·
- MixedEventAttendanceMode·
- MixtapeAlbum·
- MobileApplication·
- MobilePhoneStore·
- MobileWebPlatform·
- MolecularEntity·
- Monday·
- MonetaryAmount·
- MonetaryAmountDistribution·
- MonetaryGrant·
- MoneyTransfer·
- MortgageLoan·
- Mosque·
- Motel·
- Motorcycle·
- MotorcycleDealer·
- MotorcycleRepair·
- MotorizedBicycle·
- Mountain·
- MoveAction·
- Movie·
- MovieClip·
- MovieRentalStore·
- MovieSeries·
- MovieTheater·
- MovingCompany·
- MultiCenterTrial·
- MultiPlayer·
- MulticellularParasite·
- Muscle·
- Musculoskeletal·
- MusculoskeletalExam·
- Museum·
- MusicAlbum·
- MusicAlbumProductionType·
- MusicAlbumReleaseType·
- MusicComposition·
- MusicEvent·
- MusicGroup·
- MusicPlaylist·
- MusicRecording·
- MusicRelease·
- MusicReleaseFormatType·
- MusicStore·
- MusicVenue·
- MusicVideoObject
- NGO·
- NLNonprofitType·
- NailSalon·
- NarcoticConsideration·
- Neck·
- Nerve·
- Neuro·
- Neurologic·
- NewCondition·
- NewsArticle·
- NewsMediaOrganization·
- Newspaper·
- NightClub·
- NoninvasiveProcedure·
- Nonprofit501a·
- Nonprofit501c1·
- Nonprofit501c10·
- Nonprofit501c11·
- Nonprofit501c12·
- Nonprofit501c13·
- Nonprofit501c14·
- Nonprofit501c15·
- Nonprofit501c16·
- Nonprofit501c17·
- Nonprofit501c18·
- Nonprofit501c19·
- Nonprofit501c2·
- Nonprofit501c20·
- Nonprofit501c21·
- Nonprofit501c22·
- Nonprofit501c23·
- Nonprofit501c24·
- Nonprofit501c25·
- Nonprofit501c26·
- Nonprofit501c27·
- Nonprofit501c28·
- Nonprofit501c3·
- Nonprofit501c4·
- Nonprofit501c5·
- Nonprofit501c6·
- Nonprofit501c7·
- Nonprofit501c8·
- Nonprofit501c9·
- Nonprofit501d·
- Nonprofit501e·
- Nonprofit501f·
- Nonprofit501k·
- Nonprofit501n·
- Nonprofit501q·
- Nonprofit527·
- NonprofitANBI·
- NonprofitSBBI·
- NonprofitType·
- Nose·
- NotInForce·
- NotYetRecruiting·
- Notary·
- NoteDigitalDocument·
- Number·
- Nursing·
- NutritionInformation
- OTC·
- Observation·
- Observational·
- Obstetric·
- Occupation·
- OccupationalActivity·
- OccupationalExperienceRequirements·
- OccupationalTherapy·
- OceanBodyOfWater·
- Offer·
- OfferCatalog·
- OfferForLease·
- OfferForPurchase·
- OfferItemCondition·
- OfferShippingDetails·
- OfficeEquipmentStore·
- OfficialLegalValue·
- OfflineEventAttendanceMode·
- OfflinePermanently·
- OfflineTemporarily·
- OnDemandEvent·
- OnSitePickup·
- Oncologic·
- OneTimePayments·
- Online·
- OnlineBusiness·
- OnlineEventAttendanceMode·
- OnlineFull·
- OnlineOnly·
- OnlineStore·
- OpenTrial·
- OpeningHoursSpecification·
- OpinionNewsArticle·
- Optician·
- Optometric·
- Order·
- OrderAction·
- OrderCancelled·
- OrderDelivered·
- OrderInTransit·
- OrderItem·
- OrderPaymentDue·
- OrderPickupAvailable·
- OrderProblem·
- OrderProcessing·
- OrderReturned·
- OrderStatus·
- Organization·
- OrganizationRole·
- OrganizeAction·
- OriginalMediaContent·
- OriginalShippingFees·
- Osteopathic·
- Otolaryngologic·
- OutOfStock·
- OutletStore·
- OverviewHealthAspect·
- OwnershipInfo
- PET·
- PaidLeave·
- PaintAction·
- Painting·
- PalliativeProcedure·
- Paperback·
- ParcelDelivery·
- ParcelService·
- ParentAudience·
- ParentalSupport·
- Park·
- ParkingFacility·
- ParkingMap·
- PartiallyInForce·
- Pathology·
- PathologyTest·
- Patient·
- PatientExperienceHealthAspect·
- PawnShop·
- PayAction·
- PaymentAutomaticallyApplied·
- PaymentCard·
- PaymentChargeSpecification·
- PaymentComplete·
- PaymentDeclined·
- PaymentDue·
- PaymentMethod·
- PaymentPastDue·
- PaymentService·
- PaymentStatusType·
- Pediatric·
- PeopleAudience·
- PercutaneousProcedure·
- PerformAction·
- PerformanceRole·
- PerformingArtsTheater·
- PerformingGroup·
- Periodical·
- Permit·
- Person·
- PetStore·
- Pharmacy·
- PharmacySpecialty·
- Photograph·
- PhotographAction·
- PhysicalActivity·
- PhysicalActivityCategory·
- PhysicalExam·
- PhysicalTherapy·
- Physician·
- Physiotherapy·
- Place·
- PlaceOfWorship·
- PlaceboControlledTrial·
- PlanAction·
- PlasticSurgery·
- Play·
- PlayAction·
- PlayGameAction·
- Playground·
- Plumber·
- PodcastEpisode·
- PodcastSeason·
- PodcastSeries·
- Podiatric·
- PoliceStation·
- PoliticalParty·
- Pond·
- PostOffice·
- PostalAddress·
- PostalCodeRangeSpecification·
- Poster·
- PotentialActionStatus·
- PreOrder·
- PreOrderAction·
- PreSale·
- PregnancyHealthAspect·
- PrependAction·
- Preschool·
- PrescriptionOnly·
- PresentationDigitalDocument·
- PreventionHealthAspect·
- PreventionIndication·
- PriceComponentTypeEnumeration·
- PriceSpecification·
- PriceTypeEnumeration·
- PrimaryCare·
- Prion·
- Product·
- ProductCollection·
- ProductGroup·
- ProductModel·
- ProductReturnEnumeration·
- ProductReturnFiniteReturnWindow·
- ProductReturnNotPermitted·
- ProductReturnPolicy·
- ProductReturnUnlimitedWindow·
- ProductReturnUnspecified·
- ProfessionalService·
- ProfilePage·
- PrognosisHealthAspect·
- ProgramMembership·
- Project·
- PronounceableText·
- Property·
- PropertyValue·
- PropertyValueSpecification·
- Protein·
- Protozoa·
- Psychiatric·
- PsychologicalTreatment·
- PublicHealth·
- PublicHolidays·
- PublicSwimmingPool·
- PublicToilet·
- PublicationEvent·
- PublicationIssue·
- PublicationVolume·
- Pulmonary
- RVPark·
- RadiationTherapy·
- RadioBroadcastService·
- RadioChannel·
- RadioClip·
- RadioEpisode·
- RadioSeason·
- RadioSeries·
- RadioStation·
- Radiography·
- RandomizedTrial·
- Rating·
- ReactAction·
- ReadAction·
- ReadPermission·
- RealEstateAgent·
- RealEstateListing·
- RearWheelDriveConfiguration·
- ReceiveAction·
- Recipe·
- Recommendation·
- RecommendedDoseSchedule·
- Recruiting·
- RecyclingCenter·
- ReducedRelevanceForChildrenConsideration·
- RefundTypeEnumeration·
- RefurbishedCondition·
- RegisterAction·
- Registry·
- ReimbursementCap·
- RejectAction·
- RelatedTopicsHealthAspect·
- RemixAlbum·
- Renal·
- RentAction·
- RentalCarReservation·
- RentalVehicleUsage·
- RepaymentSpecification·
- ReplaceAction·
- ReplyAction·
- Report·
- ReportageNewsArticle·
- ReportedDoseSchedule·
- ResearchOrganization·
- ResearchProject·
- Researcher·
- Reservation·
- ReservationCancelled·
- ReservationConfirmed·
- ReservationHold·
- ReservationPackage·
- ReservationPending·
- ReservationStatusType·
- ReserveAction·
- Reservoir·
- Residence·
- Resort·
- RespiratoryTherapy·
- Restaurant·
- RestockingFees·
- RestrictedDiet·
- ResultsAvailable·
- ResultsNotAvailable·
- ResumeAction·
- Retail·
- ReturnAction·
- ReturnAtKiosk·
- ReturnByMail·
- ReturnFeesCustomerResponsibility·
- ReturnFeesEnumeration·
- ReturnInStore·
- ReturnLabelCustomerResponsibility·
- ReturnLabelDownloadAndPrint·
- ReturnLabelInBox·
- ReturnLabelSourceEnumeration·
- ReturnMethodEnumeration·
- ReturnShippingFees·
- Review·
- ReviewAction·
- ReviewNewsArticle·
- Rheumatologic·
- RightHandDriving·
- RisksOrComplicationsHealthAspect·
- RiverBodyOfWater·
- Role·
- RoofingContractor·
- Room·
- RsvpAction·
- RsvpResponseMaybe·
- RsvpResponseNo·
- RsvpResponseType·
- RsvpResponseYes
- SRP·
- SafetyHealthAspect·
- SaleEvent·
- SalePrice·
- SatireOrParodyContent·
- SatiricalArticle·
- Saturday·
- Schedule·
- ScheduleAction·
- ScholarlyArticle·
- School·
- SchoolDistrict·
- ScreeningEvent·
- ScreeningHealthAspect·
- Sculpture·
- SeaBodyOfWater·
- SearchAction·
- SearchRescueOrganization·
- SearchResultsPage·
- Season·
- Seat·
- SeatingMap·
- SeeDoctorHealthAspect·
- SeekToAction·
- SelfCareHealthAspect·
- SelfStorage·
- SellAction·
- SendAction·
- Series·
- Service·
- ServiceChannel·
- SexualContentConsideration·
- ShareAction·
- SheetMusic·
- ShippingDeliveryTime·
- ShippingRateSettings·
- ShoeStore·
- ShoppingCenter·
- ShortStory·
- SideEffectsHealthAspect·
- SingleBlindedTrial·
- SingleCenterTrial·
- SingleFamilyResidence·
- SinglePlayer·
- SingleRelease·
- SiteNavigationElement·
- SizeGroupEnumeration·
- SizeSpecification·
- SizeSystemEnumeration·
- SizeSystemImperial·
- SizeSystemMetric·
- SkiResort·
- Skin·
- SocialEvent·
- SocialMediaPosting·
- SoftwareApplication·
- SoftwareSourceCode·
- SoldOut·
- SolveMathAction·
- SomeProducts·
- SoundtrackAlbum·
- SpeakableSpecification·
- SpecialAnnouncement·
- Specialty·
- SpeechPathology·
- SpokenWordAlbum·
- SportingGoodsStore·
- SportsActivityLocation·
- SportsClub·
- SportsEvent·
- SportsOrganization·
- SportsTeam·
- SpreadsheetDigitalDocument·
- StadiumOrArena·
- StagedContent·
- StagesHealthAspect·
- State·
- Statement·
- StatisticalPopulation·
- StatisticalVariable·
- StatusEnumeration·
- SteeringPositionValue·
- Store·
- StoreCreditRefund·
- StrengthTraining·
- StructuredValue·
- StudioAlbum·
- StupidType·
- SubscribeAction·
- Subscription·
- Substance·
- SubwayStation·
- Suite·
- Sunday·
- SuperficialAnatomy·
- Surgical·
- SurgicalProcedure·
- SuspendAction·
- Suspended·
- Syllabus·
- SymptomsHealthAspect·
- Synagogue
- TVClip·
- TVEpisode·
- TVSeason·
- TVSeries·
- Table·
- TakeAction·
- TattooParlor·
- Taxi·
- TaxiReservation·
- TaxiService·
- TaxiStand·
- TaxiVehicleUsage·
- Taxon·
- TechArticle·
- TelevisionChannel·
- TelevisionStation·
- TennisComplex·
- Terminated·
- Text·
- TextDigitalDocument·
- TextObject·
- TheaterEvent·
- TheaterGroup·
- Therapeutic·
- TherapeuticProcedure·
- Thesis·
- Thing·
- Throat·
- Thursday·
- Ticket·
- TieAction·
- Time·
- TipAction·
- TireShop·
- TobaccoNicotineConsideration·
- TollFree·
- TouristAttraction·
- TouristDestination·
- TouristInformationCenter·
- TouristTrip·
- Toxicologic·
- ToyStore·
- TrackAction·
- TradeAction·
- TraditionalChinese·
- TrainReservation·
- TrainStation·
- TrainTrip·
- TransferAction·
- TransformedContent·
- TransitMap·
- TravelAction·
- TravelAgency·
- TreatmentIndication·
- TreatmentsHealthAspect·
- Trip·
- TripleBlindedTrial·
- True·
- Tuesday·
- TypeAndQuantityNode·
- TypesHealthAspect
- UKNonprofitType·
- UKTrust·
- URL·
- USNonprofitType·
- Ultrasound·
- UnRegisterAction·
- UnclassifiedAdultConsideration·
- UnemploymentSupport·
- UnincorporatedAssociationCharity·
- UnitPriceSpecification·
- UnofficialLegalValue·
- UpdateAction·
- Urologic·
- UsageOrScheduleHealthAspect·
- UseAction·
- UsedCondition·
- UserBlocks·
- UserCheckins·
- UserComments·
- UserDownloads·
- UserInteraction·
- UserLikes·
- UserPageVisits·
- UserPlays·
- UserPlusOnes·
- UserReview·
- UserTweets
- WPAdBlock·
- WPFooter·
- WPHeader·
- WPSideBar·
- WantAction·
- WarrantyPromise·
- WarrantyScope·
- WatchAction·
- Waterfall·
- WeaponConsideration·
- WearAction·
- WearableMeasurementBack·
- WearableMeasurementChestOrBust·
- WearableMeasurementCollar·
- WearableMeasurementCup·
- WearableMeasurementHeight·
- WearableMeasurementHips·
- WearableMeasurementInseam·
- WearableMeasurementLength·
- WearableMeasurementOutsideLeg·
- WearableMeasurementSleeve·
- WearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration·
- WearableMeasurementWaist·
- WearableMeasurementWidth·
- WearableSizeGroupBig·
- WearableSizeGroupBoys·
- WearableSizeGroupEnumeration·
- WearableSizeGroupExtraShort·
- WearableSizeGroupExtraTall·
- WearableSizeGroupGirls·
- WearableSizeGroupHusky·
- WearableSizeGroupInfants·
- WearableSizeGroupJuniors·
- WearableSizeGroupMaternity·
- WearableSizeGroupMens·
- WearableSizeGroupMisses·
- WearableSizeGroupPetite·
- WearableSizeGroupPlus·
- WearableSizeGroupRegular·
- WearableSizeGroupShort·
- WearableSizeGroupTall·
- WearableSizeGroupWomens·
- WearableSizeSystemAU·
- WearableSizeSystemBR·
- WearableSizeSystemCN·
- WearableSizeSystemContinental·
- WearableSizeSystemDE·
- WearableSizeSystemEN13402·
- WearableSizeSystemEnumeration·
- WearableSizeSystemEurope·
- WearableSizeSystemFR·
- WearableSizeSystemGS1·
- WearableSizeSystemIT·
- WearableSizeSystemJP·
- WearableSizeSystemMX·
- WearableSizeSystemUK·
- WearableSizeSystemUS·
- WebAPI·
- WebApplication·
- WebContent·
- WebPage·
- WebPageElement·
- WebSite·
- Wednesday·
- WesternConventional·
- Wholesale·
- WholesaleStore·
- WinAction·
- Winery·
- Withdrawn·
- WorkBasedProgram·
- WorkersUnion·
- WriteAction·
- WritePermission
1,368 Types
1,466 Properties v23.0
Who came up with this Schema Builder?
Hello, my name is Calebe Teixeira I am a SEO from Brazil with a few years of experience in software development and creator of Focus Keyword Finder.
I live on top of a mountain in the south of Brazil, with my beloved wife and children and I connect to the internet through a Starlink antenna.
For some time I had been putting off the idea of creating what would eventually become the best and most complete 100% free Schema generator on the internet.
This is a simple gesture to try to give back a little of what I've learned over the years in this wonderful community of SEOs.
Have fun!