What is the Schema Type CssSelectorType Generator?

This free SEO tool has been meticulously crafted by a Brazilian SEO guy to give you the best (UI/UX) experience while building your JSON-LD Schema Markup. If you want to know the other Schema Types available, access the Free JSON-LD Schema Markup Builder.

What is the Schema Type CssSelectorType?

The "CssSelectorType" allows for a CSS selector to be used as a value.

This provides a way to target specific elements on a webpage using a syntax similar to what is used in CSS stylesheets.

The "CssSelectorType" can be used in conjunction with other schema types, such as the "ImageObject" or "Article", to provide additional context and metadata about the object being described.

When used in this manner, the "CssSelectorType" helps search engines and other systems better understand the content of a webpage and how it relates to other objects on that page.

By providing a specific CSS selector value, the "CssSelectorType" enables more precise targeting and retrieval of specific elements within a webpage..

What are the properties of the Schema Type CssSelectorType?

1,368 Types

1,466 Properties

Schema.org v23.0

Calebe B. Teixeira

Who came up with this Schema Builder?

Hello, my name is Calebe Teixeira I am a SEO from Brazil with a few years of experience in software development and creator of Focus Keyword Finder.

I live on top of a mountain in the south of Brazil, with my beloved wife and children and I connect to the internet through a Starlink antenna.

For some time I had been putting off the idea of creating what would eventually become the best and most complete 100% free Schema generator on the internet.

This is a simple gesture to try to give back a little of what I've learned over the years in this wonderful community of SEOs.

Have fun!